Discounts available for school orders!
Mad Beatz for Beginning Drummers
Designed for Band Rooms
& Group Lessons, Gr. 4-8
The Mad Beatz Method is a unique learning system that teaches kids to listen, move, say, and THEN play, building confidence and intuition that will make teachers happy, too!
The whole book links with our YouTube Channel for in-depth lessons and skill-building challenges.
Tap THIS ICON to check it out:
Your drummers will LOVE learning
to read, play, and perform in 4 styles:
Hip Hop

BRAND NEW for 2022!
Mad Beatz: The Art of #djdrumline
Designed for High School Drumlines
Are you looking for a fun way to build chops and listening skills between marching band seasons?
Mad Beatz: The Art of #djdrumline is our guide to improving technique and musicianship playing along to the hottest songs - Hip Hop, Trap, Rock, Country, you name it! Make a playlist of your favorite songs, find the tempos, and match them up with warmups and “drops” throughout the book.
We explain how to freestyle with fundamentals and play along with a live DJ or rhythm section, too:
How to warmup and build skills with a #practiceplaylist
Teach your whole Drumline to play along with a DJ
How to freestyle with fundamentals: paradiddles, accent/tap, triplet rolls, etc.
Explore our innovative system to improve practice and performance!

What's the key to strong programs? Strong players....and strong players LOVE to practice every day, on their own.
Our Total Musicianship series trains every skill high school drummers need to compete at the highest level.
OUR SECRET: We inspire them to LOVE practicing, drumming to their favorite songs instead of a metronome!